R/V Endeavor Science Party - broadband ocean bottom seismometer recovery
Anne Bécel Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Chief scientist
Maggie Benoit The College of New Jersey Co-chief scientist
Maureen Long Yale Co-chief scientist
Lara Wagner DTM-Carnegie Co-chief scientist
Gillean Arnoux University of Oregon
Terry Cheiffetz Cal Poly Pomona
Sumant Jha Colorado State University
Colton Lynner Yale
Sampath Rathnayaka University of Massachusetts
Alan Gardner Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS lead engineer
Time Kane Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS technician
Dan Kot Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS technician
Jimmy Elsenbeck Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS technician
R/V Endeavor Science Party - short period ocean bottom seismic deployment
Harm van Avendonk University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics Co-chief scientist
Brandon Dugan Rice University Co-chief scientist
Afshin Aghayan Oklahoma State University
Jennifer Harding University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Gary Linkevich Rice University
Dylan Meyer University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Pamela Moyer University of New Hampshire
Kathryn Volk University of Michigan
Ernie Aaron Scripps Institute of Oceanography OBS Technician
Peter Lemmond Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS Technician
Mark Gibaud Scripps Institute of Oceanography OBS Technician
Dave Dubois Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute OBS Technician
R/V Marcus G. Langseth Science Party
Donna Shillington Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Co-chief scientist
Matthew Hornbach Southern Methodist University Co-chief scientist
Anne Bécel Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Co-chief scientist
Tanya Blacic Montclair State University
Kristopher Darnell University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Richard Davy National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Kara Epple University of Colorado
Jenna Hill Coastal Carolina University
Matthew Karl Michigan State University
Sasha Montelli University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Ben Phrampus Southern Methodist University
Derek Sawyer Ohio State University
R/V Endeavor Science Party - broadband ocean bottom seismometer deployment
James Gaherty Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Chief scientist
Lara Wagner University of North Carolina / DTM Co-chief scientist
Nicholas Hall Colorado College
Youyi Ruan Brown University
Leah Sabbath University of Rhode Island / Caltech
Alan Gardner Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
David Dubois Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Timothy Kane Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Daniel Kot Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Onshore broadband seismic station deployment
James Gaherty Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Donna Shillington Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Service Run #1
Nathan Miller Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory / USGS Woods Hole
Service Run #2
Natalie Accardo Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Celia Eddy Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Onshore short-period seismic station deployment party
M. Beatrice Magnani Southern Methodist University Co-Chief scientist
Dan Lizarralde Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Co-Chief scientist
Yanjun Hao Southern Methodist University
Kara Jones Southern Methodist University
Ana Corbalan Colorado State University
Christopher Novitsky University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
James Farrel University of Connecticut
David Boyd STEM Coordinator
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