Saturday, April 4, 2015

Living Quarters aboard the Endeavor

This is what the state rooms look like for the research scientists on the Endeavor. That lovely extra piece of wood wedged in on the top and bottom bunks help prevent us from falling out of bed in the middle of the night if the ship rolls more than expected.

Using the restroom at sea can be challenging at times...... especially when the seas unexpectedly turn on you while you are trying to take a shower. It is basically an unexplainable balancing act.

This lovely area is where we gather for three amazing meals a day and get an opportunity to socialize with some of the various crew members aboard the ship.

Maggie has about a million movies to choose from. They are an ancient technology called VHS used a long, long time ago....

The science deck is the room where all the magic happens. Everything from running the burn sequences on the OBS's to recalculating the surfacing locations due to variable ocean currents occurs here. The amount of technology on the Endeavor is impressive.

Terry Cheiffetz

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